martes, 24 de marzo de 2015

KTM LC4 frame perfomance

Two solution for the problem. In last commen that a number of possibles olutions, some more cheap than another.
Now I write my explanation, I decide for two, change a final relation, before 16-45 after 16-38, 7 teeth is much, but LC4 engine have only 5 gearbox ralation and have a more torque.

Solution: The engine work with 500 rpm less, good? 
I want to work more in this part, 38 teeth is as small possible for rear hub.Only solution is change 16 teeth front, 17 teeth but I need a mechanical modifications for this.

In Tony Foale book, show in one thumper engines, have a lot vibrations,  for example Norton in his old models , manufacture a rubber system for cut back vibrations engine,  in book explain, a cheap solution, connect  frame with head valve engine. When I design a new frame I have a all tube sframe, but in ktm have a engine, an electrical components, fexibles tubes, all and I need adapt to situation.

The exercise is:

Result, engine don’t transmite a lot of vibrations, It’s impossible to eliminate all vibrations, but good result for work. It’s very difficult work in this frame-engine because the hole is more small, but result is good.

Only more comment, with 38 theeth on rear hub, engine response is more slow, I think a lot solutions..........

Thanks for visit my blog.

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