viernes, 30 de mayo de 2014

KTM LC4 Alu box 1

Hi friends,

This new project is for building and welding a 2 alubox for my ktm lc4 adventure. First, I want thanks to Ana from agricer a aluminum shape 2 mm  alubox.

I want building two alubox with a sizes:

In mm

I need a:

- Aluminium sheet iron (for welding) It's very important, All aluminiun isn't welding.

- 6 alubox lock and 1 key for all ,thanks to MB3

- 1 aluminium welding machine, in this moment TIG method

- 1 welder with experience upps !!!!! Houston we have problem.....

Thanks for visit my blog.

lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014

Torrot mini 1974 finish project restoration

Hi friends,

Now I finish this project..........

 I receive new foot pedals and classic bar end mirror. It's has a cafe racer look........jejeje And it's very fast cycle 0-20 km/h in a 2-3 minutes....... guau.....

See a video

Now I born a laferreria racing style..............

Thanks for visit my blog.